Zelda II uses SKROM, which is arguably the most hacker-friendly MMC1 submapper. It's got battery-backed SRAM, supports CHR-ROM and is expandable to 256kB (PRG). The original game only uses 128k of PRG-ROM, so expansion is definitely possible. Here's how you do it: 0) Make sure your Zelda II ROM ends at $4000F. If it doesn't, add empty bytes at the very end of the ROM until it does, then change the sixth byte in the iNES header ($000005) from #0E to #10. 1) Make a backup of the original ROM. 2) Open your guinea pig ROM in your favorite hex editor and add exactly 131,072 bytes to the end of the file. (If your editor allows, you can insert these new bytes between $2000F and $20010, then skip ahead to step 4.) 3) Copy/transfer the data from $[20010-4000F] to $[40010-6000F]. 4) Copy/transfer the data from $[1C010-2000F] to $[3C010-4000F]. (Yes, this overwrites old data.) 5) Blank-out the data from $[1C010-3C00F]. (Yes, this blanks out old data.) 6) Copy the six bytes from $[4000A-F] to the following seven locations: $2000A-F, $2400A-F, $2800A-F, $2C00A-F, $3000A-F, $3400A-F, $3800A-F. 7) Update the fifth byte in the iNES header ($000004) from #08 to #10.